Thursday, 7 July 2016

The Cult of Outstanding™: the problem with ‘outstanding’ lessons

Knap weed, slender and creeping thistle.

The Cult of Outstanding™: the problem with ‘outstanding’ lessons

First of all I need to come clean. Up until pretty recently I was a fully paid up member of
the Cult of Outstanding™. Last January I considered myself to be a teacher at the height
of my powers. In the spirit of self-congratulation I posted a blog entitled Anatomy of an Outstanding Lesson in which I detailed a lesson which I confidently supposed was the apotheosis
of great teaching, and stood back to receive plaudits. And indeed they were forthcoming.
I was roundly congratulated and felt myself extraordinarily clever.
And then Cristina Milos got in touch to tell me that there was no such thing as an outstanding lesson. I was, she patiently pointed out, deluding myself. When I sputtered my objections she directed me to a video of Robert Bjork explaining the need to dissociate learning from performance.
Now no one enjoys being told they’re a fool, but I have to say that I’m profoundly grateful
to Cristina for not pulling her punches; nothing else has had anywhere near the impact
on my thinking about teaching and learning. When you start thinking in this way,
it becomes increasingly obvious just how little we know and understand about what we do.

The more I’ve read and the deeper I’ve delved into this, the more convinced I’ve become
that in our efforts to cast teachers in the mould supposedly preferred by Ofsted we are unwittingly, but actively, undermining our pupils’ ability to learn. Understandably, this is not a popular message.

A lot of very influential people have got an awful lot invested in the belief
that the pedagogical methodologies popularly understood to result in
‘outstanding’ lessons are the right way to teach.
In fact it may well be easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than for an
Ofsted inspector, an education consultant or a school leader to admit that they’ve been wrong.

But are they wrong? So far this is just a piece of polemic and can be easily dismissed
as the ravings of a loon. Well, I think you’d agree that most teachers in most schools
are expected to teach lessons in which students make visible progress.
Although the past year or so has seen the pernicious myth of ‘progress in 20 minutes’
rightly debunked, as a profession we still believe that the best lessons are those in which pupils
are learning. Now as a whole raft of academics have proved (at least to my mind) learning is, in fact, invisible. Judging the effectiveness of teaching by assessing what pupils can do during a lesson
is arrant foolishness. It would be like me telling you that the capital of Poland was Warsaw
and then asking, a few minutes later, what the capital of Poland was. What’s that? Warsaw, you say? Oh jolly good. Marvellous progress. This is an obviously risible example
but not really so very different from the literally thousands of lessons I’ve taught
in which I’ve shown pupils how to do something and then proudly watched them do it themselves. They are merely responding to cues.
They may have learned something, but this can only be inferred from their performance.
Now the truly mind-bending bit of all this is that sometimes (often?) current performance
is not only a poor indication of learning, it actually seems to prevent it. When we design lessons that boost pupils’ performance, the net result is that we are retarding the likelihood that they will learn. Conversely “Conditions that induce the most errors during acquisition are often the very conditions that lead to the most learning!” (Bjork 2013) So are all those slickly outstanding lessons
we’ve venerated for so long really just fluff and nonsense?
Lessons which are generally judged to be outstanding are characterised by pupils
being visibly engaged and ‘getting it’. Ofsted’s criteria for outstanding teaching and learning
include the following:
Sustained & rapid progress
Consistently high expectations
Excellent subject knowledge
Systematic, accurate assessment
Well judged, imaginative teaching strategies
Sharply focused & timely support
Enthusiasm, participation & commitment
Resilience, confidence & independence
Frequent & consistently high quality feedback
Engagement, courtesy, collaboration & cooperation
In order to thoroughly expose the Cult of Outstanding™,
we might do well to investigate each of these criteria in turn.

Sustained & rapid progress
I’ve already written extensively about the problems with progress so let me summarise
by asking this: if we do something really quickly is it likely to last? I contend that rapid and sustained progress are mutually exclusive: they cancel each other out. You can have one or the other.
We have to choose and I’d strongly recommend sustained progress. The problem is that the route
to sustained progress is deeply counter-intuitive. We’re all a lot more comfortable with the idea
of making rapid progress because it ‘feels right’. But there’s a significant body of research
which suggests that slowing performance and increasing the errors made during instruction
has a significant impact on our ability to retain and transfer skills and knowledge.
Simply put, we learn better by struggling. But this is not what happens in an outstanding lesson where pupils are expected to demonstrate rapid progress and not look confused
as they grapple with challenging concepts.

Consistently high expectations
On the face of it you’d think I would have little to argue against here.
And on the face of it, you’d be right. But consistently high expectations of what?
If our expectation as teachers is that pupils perform to a high level only in our lessons
then we may will be guilty of engineering a situation which makes it harder for them to retain
and transfer what we’re teaching. This leads to a culture where it becomes routine for pupils
not to remember or be able to apply the basics. Consider this: in a Year 11 English lesson,
we read an article about Barrack Obama taking a 5% pay cut to show support for the plight
of the American economy. We decided to award him a nicely rounded salary of $150,000
and calculate what this 5% reduction might represent. I was appalled when the class,
which contained some very bright mathematicians, signally failed to work out what is, even for me,
a pretty simple sum. I’m fairly sure the same thing goes on when students I know for a fact can spell and paragraph accurately in my lessons suddenly lose this ability in, say, geography or science.

Excellent subject knowledge
OK, you got me. Having expert subject knowledge is highly desirable and likely to result
in pupils making significant gains in their learning. In particular, it pays teachers to understand
the likely mistakes and misconceptions pupils are likely to make in a given subject.
If these mistakes are anticipated and headed off before they become ingrained
then a great deal of harm is avoided. Naturally it’s not sufficient to merely have great
subject knowledge, but it is necessary and your kids ain’t  gonna get very far if you’ve not got it.

Systematic, accurate assessment
Again, this seems obvious doesn’t it? How can systematic and accurate assessment be a bad thing? The short answer is that it can’t. But the problem is that very little assessment is accurate
and systematic in the right way. Most mark schemes are highly subjective and do little to encourage accuracy. Daisy Christodoulou has written eloquently about what she calls ‘the adverb problem‘
and this is something of which we should be ever mindful.
Our assessment is a lot more inaccurate and vague than we’d like to admit.

Well judged, imaginative teaching strategies
Of course well-judged teaching strategies are brilliant. But if we believe that improving pupils’ performance is the desired outcome then it’s highly unlikely that the strategies we select
will be well-judged. It’s certainly very rare for a lesson to be judged outstanding if pupils
are still struggling by the end of the lesson; this is normally judged inadequate.
But if sustained progress is our goal then neat resolutions and slick performances
will undermine our aim. And we don’t really mean ‘imaginative’, do we?
What we mean is ‘conforming to a fairly narrow set of expectations
of what constitutes good teaching’. And that just isn’t the same.

Sharply focused & timely support
Providing effective support is, of course, highly desirable, but too much support
will create learned helplessness. Also we often support pupils because we’re obsessed
with improving their performance. But there’s nothing inherently wrong with struggle,
in fact it’s often essential for information to wend its way from working to long term memory.
So why are we so squeamish about children being stuck? We’d do better sometimes to set out
our stall to celebrate what’s hard and damn what comes easily. There’s a toxic trend in our society
to dismiss hard work as the preserve of thickos and plodders. It’s in our language: ‘Hard luck!’, ‘
Easy does it!’ All this sharply focussed support may well be eroding the confidence and resilience
we so desire in our students. The point of scaffolding is that it must be removed.
The problem with outstanding lessons is that they rarely devote the time necessary
for effective explanations or modelling (see below) for fear that the teacher
will be accused on talking for too long.

Enthusiasm, participation & commitment
These, along with engagement, are the very stuff of Robert Coe’s ‘poor proxies for learning’.
These things are lovely and certainly sociably desirable, but the tell us nothing about the quality
of pupils’ learning. It’s relatively well-known that doodling can increase your retention
and in the past I’ve taught children whose apparent attention is lessons is minimal
and yet they learn. One boy I shepherded through GCSEs spent 2 years building piles of rubbers
only to get an A*! We can, and should, insist on good behaviour because the alternative is horrible. But we must be informed and honest enough to acknowledge that observation feedback like
‘that boy at the back was off-task for 3 minutes’ is utterly meaningless.

Resilience, confidence & independence
I’m all for pupils being resilient, confident and independent. Who wouldn’t be?
The problem here is that we’ve got ourselves into the perfectly understandable muddle
of believe that independent learning will result in independence. It doesn’t; independent learning actually makes pupils more dependent. If we really value independence and want our pupils
to be confident and resilient then we’re much better off teaching them.
I’ve written extensively about the teaching sequence for developing independence, but just to recap, the process is broken down into 4 stages:
Explaining – you can’t think about what you don’t know so if we want our pupils
to do anything interesting or creative we must give them the vocabulary
 and background knowledge required to explore a subject.
Modelling – no one is ever going to get good at anything unless they go through the process
of deconstructing high quality examples and then ‘seeing’ the expert thought processes
which go into creating an expert example. The road to hell is paved with vague success criteria.
Scaffolding – once pupils have had new concepts explained and had great examples modelled
then they’re ready to have a go. Our job is to make sure that everyone is challenged to do something they will find difficult and help them deal with the frustration of not being able to get it.
Practising – pupils are now ready to work independently. Our role is to be aware of the fact
that practice doesn’t make perfect, practice makes permanent. We must be vigilant about
the mistakes pupils are likely make and prevent them prevent them becoming embedded.

Frequent & consistently high quality feedback
Yet again this appears entirely desirable. That is until we examine the staggering weight of research that suggests that delaying and reducing feedback, while having a negative impact of short term performance gains, tends to boost long term retention and transfer.
This leads us, inevitably, down a rabbit hole of trying to determine exactly what ‘high quality’ feedback might be. Is it high quality if it visibly supports pupils’ performance in the classroom?
Or is it high quality if it means that they’re more likely to pass an exam? This issue is that one of these is easy to check for during an observation and the other isn’t. Guess which we tend to prefer?
Contrary to what almost everyone else would have us believe, Bjork tell us this: “Numerous studies—some of them dating back decades—have shown that frequent and immediate feedback can, contrary to intuition, degrade learning.” This is an earth shattering bombshell
and goes completely against the grain. I intend to devote my next post to dealing with this at length.

Engagement, courtesy, collaboration & cooperation
We’ve already dealt with engagement above and no right thinking teacher would object
to politeness except to say that it has very little bearing on learning. But collaboration
and cooperation betray a preference for group work. There’s a time and a place for group work:
it slots in neatly to the scaffolding phase of teaching. But the idea that all lessons should contain collaborative or cooperative learning is preposterous.
Thank goodness that the subsidiary guidance to inspectors added in December 2013 confirms this:
Do not expect to see ‘independent learning’ in all lessons and do not make the assumption that
this is always necessary or desirable. On occasions, too, pupils are rightly passive rather than active recipients of learning. Do not criticise ‘passivity’ as a matter of course and certainly not unless
it is evidently stopping pupils from learning new knowledge or gaining skills and understanding.
It’s become abundantly clear to me that what might appear to be passive may well conceal
a vigorous and seismic inner turmoil that heralds real learning. So the next time you think
you’ve seen an outstanding lesson, think again. There’s no such thing! We can certainly have outstanding teaching – it’s the preserve of those teachers who get consistent and startling results, where students really learn. The received wisdom on what an outstanding lesson is,
actively obstructs outstanding teaching. We all need the humility to accept that our preferences
and biases are just that: ours. They do not lead to better learning. And further, it is my considered and contentious opinion that the pursuit of outstanding lessons has done more to damage education than any of the more obvious goonery like VAK and Brain Gym that we’ve had to put up with
over the years.

The fact that Ofsted appear to be officially distancing themselves from some of the more deluded facets of Outstanding™ lessons can only be good news. But that still leaves us with a situation
where most inspectors and school leaders have got where they are on the strength of their ability
to dance the rapid progress jig.
Will they be able to admit the possibility that they were hoodwinked by the Cult of Outstanding?
I’m sure you’ll have an opinion on all this and I look forward to discussing it in the comments below.
Related posts
Don’t trust your gut: a little bit more o the problem with grading lessons
Deliberately difficult: why it might be better to make learning harder

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Monday, 4 July 2016

Beware the carrot: rewards don't work

Yellow flag.

Beware the carrot: rewards don't work
Adi Bloom

Treats may produce only short-term performance improvements
Pupils who are given rewards such as sweets or stickers for good work often lose interest in learning, according to new research.
Indeed, Emma Dunmore, head of psychology at Harrogate Grammar in North Yorkshire, argues
that pupils who are given rewards simply for completing a task often lose motivation altogether.
Ms Dunmore conducted a review of research into school reward systems. She found that tangible rewards, such as points, stickers and treats, could help to improve behaviour in the short term.
But once the rewards ceased, behaviour would return to its original levels.
When given in exchange for good work, rewards were even less effective:
once they were withdrawn, work often fell below original levels. Meanwhile, pupils who failed
to meet the standard necessary for a reward lost motivation altogether.
"The reward system has reduced intrinsic motivation," Ms Dunmore said.
 "The teacher now has a greater hill to climb."
Pupils also resented being rewarded merely for completing a task: they would rather be rewarded 
for winning a race than for taking part. "The reward provides little useful feedback on performance, and so does not increase the individual's sense of competence," Ms Dunmore said.
When pupils are told at the start of a task that they will receive a reward at the end,
it is seen as a bribe. They come to rely on this bribe for motivation,
expecting a reward every time the teacher sets a new piece of work.
"Receiving the reward may reduce the individual's sense that they were doing the task
because they chose to," she said. "Instead, they felt that they were doing it for a reward,
and so were being controlled by someone else."
Ms Dunmore suggests that verbal praise is less detrimental to motivation.
"Verbal rewards are often unexpected," she said. "
And verbal rewards are often given with information on performance."
But even verbal praise can reduce a child's internal motivation. A statement such as "excellent –
you must keep up the good work" suggests an element of compulsion.
And she argues that even simple praise, such as "that's really good",
can prompt children to lose interest in a task.
The message they receive is "this task pleases the teacher", rather than "this task pleases me".
Instead, the teacher should wait until the task is finished
and then ask children whether they enjoyed it.
Alternatively, praise can be given in return for performing the task to a specific standard:
"you've got better at colouring in within the lines". Meanwhile, statements such as
"excellent - you're working well above average" offer helpful progress reports.
"The reward provides useful information about competence on the task,
and strengthens the student's perception of improving," Ms Dunmore said.
Ideally, pupils should believe that they are doing a task out of their own choice.
This, along with the belief that they are improving over time, increases motivation.
"We like what we are good at, and we keep doing something when we see ourselves get better," 
said Ms Dunmore.
"Rewards may strengthen behaviour in the short term, but ... they can undermine motivation
in the long run because they reduce the individual's perception
that they are doing that task of their own free will.
Instead, the person gets a sense that they are engaging in the task simply to gain the reward."
- Reward pupils for performing a task to a specific standard rather than just completing it.
- Use unexpected rewards as bonuses for particularly impressive performances.
- Make sure any reward is clearly linked to improved work or behaviour.
- Encourage reflection by asking pupils why they think they are being rewarded.
- Verbally encourage more than reward.
- Praise pupils in a way that encourages them to reflect on their own motivation.

Comment (1)
As a supply teacher I use sticker to motivate even if the school does not use the system as a whole school system, it allows me to motivate and engage pupils as the stickers they collect from me can be registered online and pupils can receive real prizes, check it out, personally I have not had any problems with these stickers and one kids actually one a BMX bike from collecting stickers from me this motivated all the others.
The differences with this system is, it’s a online shop with prizes kids want that they can buy using their points, it really works.
Gosh, I made 13 corrections to this comments with more to be made – but I’ll leave that to you.

Giving out sweets and stickers can actually diminish motivation.
Yet some schools are spending up to £30,000 on such rewards as ipads, laptops and games consoles.
From previous blog

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Friday, 1 July 2016

Learn English - 4 ways to understand what you hear

Self heal.

Learn how to understand almost everything you hear right now in 4 easy steps!
If you are an advanced English student, and you already know grammar and can understand
what you read, but have trouble understanding when people speak in movies and in real life,
watch this lesson to find out HOW to listen and UNDERSTAND!


Learn English Listening Skills - How to understand native English speakers

Turbo Charged Reading: Read fast>>>Remember all>>>Years later
Contact M’reen at:

You can TCR music, poetry or self development material for internal knowing.
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
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To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”