Sunday, 28 May 2017

10 Ways to Increase Your Reading Speed

Red sails at Felixstowe

10 Ways to Increase Your Reading Speed
Alexia Bullard

Do you have a lot of paperwork to get through with a deadline that continues to stalk you
around every corner? Do you have a lot of reading to do before class tomorrow?
 Do you simply just want to read at a faster rate, whether it be for your own personal reasons,
or for work? Here are ten proven ways to help increase your reading speed.

1. Stop the Inner Monologue
One’s inner monologue, also known as subvocalization, is an extremely common trait
among readers. It is the process of speaking the words in your head as you read,
and it is the biggest obstacle that gets in the way of you being able to increase your reading speed.
If you’re hearing voices in your head when you’re reading, don’t fret. As long as it is your own voice, reading along with you, you’re fine. In fact, this is how teachers teach kids to read – say the words silently in your head as you read. Do you recall the instructions, “Read in your head,
as I read the passage aloud”, that were said fairly often in the classrooms? That is one of the ways
in which this habit of having an inner monologue was ingrained into you as a young reader.
When you were initially taught to read, you were taught to sound out everything and read aloud. Once you were proficient enough at that, your teacher had you start saying the words in your head. This is how the habit originated, and most people continue reading this way. It does not adversely affect them in any way, until they start wanting to read at a faster pace. If you are seeking
to increase your reading speed, this is the first thing you must learn to overcome.
Why does this slow you down? The average reading speed is pretty much the same as the average talking speed. According to Forbes, the average adult reading speed is 300 words per minute.
The average talking speed is the same. Since most people are in the habit of saying the words aloud in their head as they read, they tend to read around the same pace as they talk. This means,
your reading speed will only increase so much if you continue to keep up that inner monologue.
If you want to continue to increase your reading speed, you need to eliminate it.
To do this, you need to understand one thing: It’s unnecessary. You do not need to say every word
in your head in order to understand the material you are reading. It was when you are younger,
but now you are able to input the meaning from just seeing the words. Your brain still processes
 the information. For example, when you see a “YIELD” sign, do you actually stop to speak the word in your head? Of course not. You just look at it and process it automatically.
This is what you need to be doing when you read your print material, such as books or paperwork.
If you have a hard time attempting this, try reading with instrumental music playing in headphones or chew on some gum. A distraction will keep your brain less focused on subvocalization,
though you will still look at the words and process them.

2. Word–Chunking
Word-chunking closely parallels with the idea of eliminating the inner monologue.
This is the act of reading multiple words at once, and is the key to reading faster.
All of these reading tips tie together, yet word-chunking is probably the most active tool to use when you work to increase your reading speed.
A person can take in several words at a time, even though we are trained –
as mentioned with the inner monologue – to read each word at a time and not miss a single article.
Using your peripheral vision is one way to make this step easier, but we will get to that
in the next section. For now, focus on trying to read three words with one glance.
Continue on down the page like that, taking note of how much faster you complete the entire page of text. You are still able to process and comprehend what you read, but spend far less time doing it.
Now, take that concept one step further. Take a pencil and lightly draw two vertical, parallel lines down your page, separating the text into three sections. Start at the top left of the page as usual, and cover up everything below that line with your hand or a piece of paper.
Focus on reading the text in each section as one thing. Chunk the words together, and read them at a glance as you would a road sign. Keep doing this down the page, moving the paper accordingly. You will notice that your speed was faster than before.
Continue with this method until you feel comfortable enough to challenge yourself a bit more.

3. Do Not Reread the Words on the Page
Before we move on to the peripheral vision part – that’s the real kicker – you’re going to want
to make sure you break the habit of rereading the words on the page. If you watch the average person’s eyes as they read, you will notice they jump and flit about. They do not just flow evenly back and forth, as they should. This is because the average person – you do this, too –
tends to backtrack over words they have already read.
This is one thing that prevents you from being able to increase your reading speed.
You most likely do this without even realizing that you are doing it, which makes it a bit of a tricky habit to break out of. The easiest way, even though you may feel a bit childish, is to use your finger or bookmark to guide you along. Keep your finger running back and forth across the page,
without stopping or going back. Keep tracking the words as your finger continues to make its way down the text. When you get to the end, think about what you read.
You did not go back over a single word (I hope!), and yet you still recall what you have read.

4. Use Peripheral Vision
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the key step that really ties everything together.
While this may not be the final step, it’s certainly a critical one. Use the techniques
from everything above to view and comprehend several words at one time.
Instead of chunking in smaller groups of words, try reading one line at a time.
This involves looking at the center of the line, and using your peripheral vision to read the rest of it. Scan the page in this manner and, when you reach the bottom,
you will find that you still understood what you read, but you did it in record time.

5. Use a Timer
Speaking of ‘record time’, now is your chance to test yourself and work on how to increase 
your reading speed each time you read. Set a timer for one minute, reading normally
as the time dwindles down. When the timer goes off, note how many pages you have read.
The website, WordstoPages, will help you to figure out how many words you have read.
Now, combine everything you have learned and repeat the test. Jot down that number, too.
Keep doing this, continuing to beat your previous count each time. Set a daily or weekly goal,
and treat yourself when you reach it.
Continue with this little game, and you’ll be able to increase your reading speed in no time!

6. Set a Goal
Holding yourself accountable will better ensure you stick with your reading and your timer tests. Give yourself a goal of a certain number of pages to read each day/week/etc., and stick to it.
When you reach it, treat yourself. Incentive never hurt anyone!

7. Read MORE
The old adage, “Practice makes perfect,” is actually pretty darn accurate. Any professional, artist, musician, etc. practices their work regularly. A reader should be doing the same thing.
The more you read, the more you will be better at it. The better you are at reading,
 the more you will increase your reading speed.  Theodore Roosevelt read one book
before breakfast, and then three or four more in the evening. He also read papers and other such pamphlet-style reading material. I’m not sure how long these books were,
but I am going to assume they were of average length. Use his obsession as fuel for your own goal.

8. Use a Marker
Do you find your vision slipping and sliding through the page as you read? Not a problem.
Simply place an index card below each line, and slip it down as you read. This will ensure you stay
at reading one line at a time, rather than flitting your eyes about and taking nothing in.

9. Work on Improving Your Vocabulary
Think about it: You’re reading along, and then you run into a word you don’t know.
Do you skip it? Do you try to figure it out by context? Do you stop to look it up?
Whichever course of action you take, you are slowing your time significantly,
if not stopping it all together to go and look up the retarding word. If you work on improving
your vocabulary, you will know more words. The more words you add to your repertoire, the faster you read. The faster you read, the more you can read. It may be self-evident, but it’s important.

10. Skim the Main Points FIRST
Finally, when you’re in a real time-crunch and need to get something read by yesterday,
take a deep breath and calm down. Open the book, and take some time reading over
all the main points. Read the table of contents. Read the subtitles.
Read the captions under the diagrams. Get an overall feel for the chapter/section/etc..
Next, read the first paragraph of each main section. Read the last. Read the middle.
Think this over in your head, and piece it together. Then, start reading everything else
while employing the techniques we have just discussed.
You’ll retain your information better, as well as your get your reading done faster.
In summation, the next time you need to read something quickly,
simply tell yourself to “Shut up and look at the page!”

Turbo Charged Reading: Readmore>>>Read fast>>>Remember more>>>Years later
Contact M’reen at:

You can TCR music, poetry or self development material for internal knowing.
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube  
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube

Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:          gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life         development, growth, management. 

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Monday, 22 May 2017

If You Do These 20 Things Every Day, You'll Become Smarter


 If You Do These 20 Things Every Day, You'll Become Smarter
Jayson DeMers

Although many people believe intelligence is limited to those with high I.Q.s,
there are a number of potential methods to boost one’s cognitive abilities
and become more effective at various professional and personal pursuits.
With enough motivation and determination, anyone can expand their mental capabilities
 and become smarter. Integrating new habits into your regular routine and providing
proper stimulation can sharpen your intellect quickly and leave you inspired to take on
new challenges each day. Brain health is an important key in complete physical health.
The list below includes the best brain-engaging activities in daily life.

Inviting Novelty
To create new neural pathways and strengthen the brain, it’s critical for people
 to continually incorporate new experiences and information into their lives. At first, these moments might feel useless, but eventually, you will find yourself looking forward to quiet moments alone.

Visit New Places
Whether this means studying in a new coffee shop, taking a different route to work, or travelling
 to a different country, displacement is good for the brain. This might be difficult to recognize
in the moment since it usually feels rather awkward – at least initially.
At the coffee shop, you can’t order the “usual.”
You have to study a new menu, pick something you have never tried before, and make a decision.
While this seems simple, people enjoy the comfort of habit. We like to know what to expect
at all times. When you travel to a new country, the language is strange, the customs are unfamiliar, and the culture presents a strange new rhythm of life. Adjusting to these new elements
forces the brain to tackle new, unexpected challenges. Learning how to communicate through
a language barrier forces the brain to develop creative ways to express needs and emotions. Listening to new music, trying new foods, and navigating foreign streets
 all work to challenge your brain’s capacity to adapt to new situations.

Continue Your Education
Adult education is one of the best investments of time, money, and energy you can make.
While education is valuable throughout childhood and adolescence, adults often underestimate their ability to learn new concepts and skills. Challenge yourself to take a class, academic or creative. Voluntarily choosing to continue education provides a perfect opportunity for your brain 
to create new connections and build higher intelligence.

Read and Watch the News
This is one activity that maintains the appearance of habit while nurturing healthy brain waves. Setting aside half an hour every morning or evening to read a newspaper or watch the news
will help your brain stay active. Digesting new information is a good daily habit. The news introduces interesting topics to consider, and will leave your brain churning with new information.

Read Books
Reading is the most basic way to facilitate brain activity, but it often presents some of the most diverse opportunities for stretching brain capacity. Reading provides practical assistance
by introducing new vocabulary, presenting examples of proper grammar usage, and showing
the elegance of a well-written sentence. However, this is only half of the magic of reading.
Whether you choose fiction, non-fiction, historical literature, or poetry, reading offers
an opportunity for the reader to make big-picture connections between the literature and real life. 
In this way, reading is an alternative way to make your brain travel to a new place.
As your imagination works to create tangible people, places, and experiences from the words
on the page, your brain is rewiring to understand all the new information.

Approach Work in New Ways
The workplace is a canvas for new experiences. Regardless of what type of job you might hold, everyone is at one time or another presented with opportunities to think outside the box,
problem solve in a creative way, and contribute fresh ideas to the team.
Instead of stressing over each new problem, it’s important to relax
and starting imagining alternatives for reaching an end goal.

Challenging Yourself
Like a weightlifter who develops muscles, one must exercise the brain on a daily basis,
pushing it just beyond its current capabilities. As Albert Einstein once said, 
“One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. 
One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest efforts.”
This quote encapsulates what I believe about the brain. With enough focus and stretching,
the brain can truly surprise people. Underestimating yourself holds you back from success. When people begin believing in their abilities, they often go beyond what they thought was possible.

Brain Train
Organizations like Lumosity offer fantastic daily brain training. With puzzles and games designed to increase neuroplasticity, Lumosity was created to challenge the brain to make new connections.
A group of neuroscientists at University of California Berkeley developed this program to provide stimuli for the brain to push it to adapt and re-train itself in uncharted territory.
Success stories abound concerning the results of this public experiment.

Ask 5 Whys When Encountering Problems
One of the most standard problem solving solutions, the 5 whys still provide a solid start
to uncovering the root of a problem. Asking a question gets the brain working to find an answer. Instead of worrying about the problem, always start by asking why.

Eschew Technology to Keep the Brain in Shape
Technology does wonders for the modern world, but in some ways, technological dependence stunts the brain’s capacity for problem solving, adapting to new environments,
and being a reliable resource for practical things like simple mathematics and navigation.
Try going on a trip without a GPS. Work a few algebra problems without a calculator.
Make your brain work for you; you’ll see the results.

Fostering Creativity
Finger-painting in preschool was not only a fun activity; it helped open up the mind to
new possibilities and ways of solving problems. An artistic mindset creates new opportunities
to find new solutions, fresh inspiration, and peaceful confidence.
The blend of these elements in both personal and professional environments allows ordinary people to shine by becoming an innovative thinker and inventive leader.
Find ways to incorporate creativity into the dull grind of daily tasks.
You don’t have to be an artist to appreciate the benefits of drawing, which cultivates brain activity
in a unique way. In addition to nurturing basic hand-eye coordination, it sends synapses
to neurotransmitters to help more permanently and vividly store your memories. From doodles
on a piece of scrap paper to charcoal portraits, drawing is a healthy brain activity for everyone.
Painting is an extension of drawing. It feeds the same areas of the brain, but unlike drawing, painting often introduces new and unfamiliar textures and colors to stimulate the brain.
Painters often have a keen sense of awareness towards their surroundings.
Engaging in painting encourages people to notice minute details of the world around them.
Focusing the brain in this manner brings a heightened state of alertness.

Play an Instrument
Learning to play an instrument also has outstanding benefits for the brain. Hand-eye coordination, memory, concentration, and mathematic skills all improve through playing an instrument.
While some are more challenging to learn than others, any instrument facilitates
increased and improved cognitive functioning.
From training your fingers to master complex musical passages on the piano to counting the beats in a musical measure, instruments force various regions of the brain to work together to create music.

Like reading, writing encourages vocabulary growth, grammar skills, and use of proper syntax. Writing helps the brain store information more effectively and fosters better memory skills.
Studies show that students who regularly take handwritten notes during college classes consistently score better on tests. Writing forces a person to pay attention to their memories, experiences,
and internal dialogues – a combination that increases brain function altogether.

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and your brain starts to rewire to help you think
like a different person. For those struggling to form creative ideas, role-playing can help
the wheels start turning in the brain to help develop unique solutions for difficult problems.

Working with Others
Although logical intelligence is important, emotional intelligence plays an equally vital part
in overall success. Interacting with others helps people expand beyond their own limited thinking, gain new ideas, and see things from a different perspective.
People are challenging. Smart people often enjoy isolation because it protects them from
being critical of others. However, this discomfort is necessary for truly smart people because
it pushes them outside their bubble. When you start to believe you have all the right answers,
start collaborating with others to expand perspective.

Teach and Share Information with Others
Whether this is achieved virtually or face-to-face, pursue colleagues and peers to share experience and wisdom. Fresh faces and new ideas spur inspiration and create an amplified learning environment for the brain. By creating a network for sharing ideas, your brain starts developing
a new network for formulating and executing innovative concepts.

Talk to Interesting People
No two people share the same life experiences. Everyone interprets information uniquely,
stores memories differently, and digests daily life with their own intellectual flare.
This makes collaboration a necessity for brain health. Although we are all inclined to think
our method is the best approach, gaining perspective from another person helps our brain consider new solutions and new techniques for both personal and professional issues.
Whether the conversation is centered on religion, finances, politics, or diet trends,
people should practice being a good listener. Silencing your own thoughts while the other person speaks is often challenging, but the brain needs discipline to stay sharp.

Work in a Team Environment
Collaborative environments are essential for enhancing brain activity.
Some people who enjoy working independently dread the moment when they are forced
to participate in a team-focused workplace. However, these independent individuals
are highly intelligent and can benefit the most from a little teamwork.
Author Steve Johnson’s book, Where Good Ideas Come From, focuses on the benefits
of collaborating with peers and coworkers to develop original ideas and effective strategies
for their execution. The modern workplace continues to shift towards this team-oriented approach.

Cultivating Physical Health
The body feeds the brain, and keeping oneself in top physical condition is crucial to adequate 
fueling and operation of the brain. Lack of motivation, mental fatigue, and absence of inspiration
are typically connected to poor exercise, diet, and focus.

Studies constantly show people who exercise regularly have higher I.Q. scores. In addition to maintaining a strong body, people who exercise regularly actually stimulate brain cell growth.
A process called neurogenesis occurs during rigorous exercise, which increases the production
of neurotransmitters. With side effects like increased dopamine, active people enjoy less stress, better concentration, and more energy.
Dr. Michael Nilsson of Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital
in Sweden conducted extensive research on the topic. “Being fit means that you also have
a good heart and lung capacity and that your brain gets plenty of oxygen,” the doctor said.
His research focused on over a million Swedish military men, and
Dr. Nilsson found a direct correlation between physical fitness and high scores on I.Q. tests.

Pursue Athletics
Multiple studies have shown active children typically do better in school and have a better chance
of continuing their education after high school graduation. Although athletic pursuits can feel grueling at the time, the overall benefits of intense physical activity are wise for your future.
Whether it’s finding one thing you are good at, like basketball, running, or lifting weights, or trying something new every day, maintaining an athletic routine is important for optimal brain health.

Controlling and calming the brain is as powerful as enhancing activity through instruments
and puzzles. Doctors have been studying the effects of mediation on the brain for several years,
and the results are impressive. In one famous study, Dr. Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin collaborated with the Dalai Lama to study what happens to the brain during meditation.
Transcendental Meditation yields impressive results for the brain. People who struggle with fear, anxiety, depression, and other mental ailments should experiment with meditation
to calm themselves and develop a stronger sense of focus.

Maintain a Nutritious Diet
Children and adults interested in boosting brain activity should begin by transforming their diet. Research from the University of Bristol in England points to a strong connection between
unhealthy diet and low I.Q. scores in children. To begin reversing unhealthy tendencies, try cutting out excess fat, sugar, and fast foods, and start adding more vegetables, fruit, and lean meats.
There are also a number of unusual drinks proven to help brain function. Matcha Green Tea,
Raw Cacao hot chocolate, and Gingko Biloba tea all show benefits for the brain.
Some scientist claim Gingko Biloba helps pump more blood to the brain, improving circulation.

Active Learning
Start children young with interactive video games, jump roping, juggling, and other activities
to feed brain stimulation. Assign a musical instrument, a physical activity, or a Sudoku puzzle
to get their brains moving. Parents, remember to join in the fun!
Creating daily routines to promote healthy brain activity doesn’t require the advice
 of a neuroscientist. While plenty of studies provide convincing evidence,
increasing brain activity can be accomplished with a few basic steps. Be intentional about your time and energy to start working towards a smarter and more fulfilling life.

Turbo Charged Reading: Read more>>>Read fast>>>Remember more>>>Years later
Contact M’reen at:

You can TCR specialist and language dictionaries that are spontaneously accessed.
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube  
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube

Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:   gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life   development, growth, management.        just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”    

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

5 Hacks To Speed Up The Learning Process

Snapdragon flowers.

5 Hacks To Speed Up The Learning Process
Ryan Clements

The ability to learn things quickly is a tremendous asset. People who can rapidly grasp new concepts, learn and apply new and effective skills, and process new information in a short amount of time have a distinct advantage over those who struggle to learn.
Is speed learning reserved for a select minority, endowed with the gift of intellect that few possess? 
Is it only available to the “geniuses” among us? The answer is, “No.” Every one of us can learn
to learn faster, and there are a few simple tools that can help us. If these tools are committed
to mastery through habit they will produce massive results in our ability to learn concepts faster, process new information in a shorter amount of time, and rapidly expand our abilities
and knowledge.
So, without delay, here are 5 hacks to speed up the learning process:

1. Focus on number of repetitions, not on the amount of time we practice.
When we say that we “studied for five hours straight,” we are often deceiving ourselves. How much of that five hours was spent in focused attention? How much time did we spend on distractions,
like checking our email, or Facebook or Twitter? The key is not the length of time we spend
when learning something. The key is the amount of learning repetitions that we engage in.     Repetition is one of the most powerful levers we have because it wires our brain.
The power of repetition is well known by top performers, athletes, musicians, and the military.
Time spent is not nearly as important as the number of reps.
So here is the first step: get rid of the watch. Instead, focus your attention on completing repetitions. Instead of saying, “I’ll study my notes for two hours,” say, “I’ll read my notes through, line by line, three times from start to finish.” This causes you to focus your attention on results.
It also eliminates the “illusion of effectiveness” because you can’t fool yourself.
Either you completed the task, or you didn’t.

2. Break everything down into small chunks.
Author and talent expert Daniel Coyle, in his best-selling book, The Talent Code, says that “chunks are to skill what the letters of the alphabet are to language. Alone, each is nearly useless,
but when combined into bigger chunks (words), and when those chunks are combined
 into still bigger things (sentences, paragraphs), they can build something complex
and beautiful.” Chunking is important because it is the way that our brain learns. Every skill
or piece of knowledge that we attain is comprised of many smaller pieces, or chunks, of information.
One of the first things that we should do when attempting to learn something new is to break
the material or task down into many small chunks. Do it for the entire task or material. What we
are left with then is a whole bunch of small chunks. Once this is done we proceed to step three.

3. Perfect each chunk and then create a “chunk chain.”
Now that we have a whole bunch of chunks we can then proceed to master each individual chunk
on its own. This is what we focus our repetitions on (see step 1). The task or skill that we are trying to learn is comprised of a whole bunch of smaller parts. We have determined what those smaller parts consist of, now we just perfect each part on its own, and as we perfect the parts
we form a chunk chain. This is where we start to build on each chunk with another chunk,
and over time we will completely master the entire process.
Most importantly, by doing it this way, we will find that we master the process much quicker
than if we tried to memorize the entire task on its own. Thus, since we have built a chunk chain,
we can see how each individual piece is related to the other pieces. This gives us a complex understanding of the task or material and allows us quick recall ability in the future.

4. Turn the learning process into a game, with rules and rewards.
We like games and our brain likes games. When learning becomes an enjoyable game, time stands still, and we immerse ourselves in repetitions of the material. So if we are trying to learn something new, an effective strategy is to “game it.” Create a game that we can play. Set the rules to the game, and create a rewards system (this is another very important thing as the brain loves rewards).
Rewards are at the foundation of habit formation, as noted by Charles Duhigg in his best-selling book, The Power of Habit. Once a behavior becomes a habit we perform it much easier and faster.
If we can create a reward system based on a game from the learning process,
 then we can crystallize learning as a habit and we will learn faster.
Daniel Coyle, concerning the importance of games in learning also notes:
The term “drill” evokes a sense of drudgery and meaninglessness. It’s mechanical, repetitive,
and boring—as the saying goes, drill and kill. Games, on the other hand, are precisely the opposite. They mean fun, connectedness, and passion.
And because of that, skills improve faster when they’re looked at this way.

5. Repeat “focus bursts,” where we give our very best effort for a short period of time,
then take fulfilling and refreshing breaks.
There are multiple studies that confirm that proper rest increases brain functioning.
The typical, caffeine-induced, late night cramming session that most students engage in
at least once in their life is not the most effective way to learn. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that it is the least effective way. If we want to learn something quickly, we need to do it
when our minds are fresh. We need to engage in “focus bursts” where, with fresh energy
and a well-rested mind, we focus all our attention on learning, perfecting, and linking the chunks (see step 3). Then, when we start to feel our effectiveness dissipate, we take breaks to recharge.
Focus burst, recharge, focus burst, recharge. Over and over again. This is the way to speed up
 the learning process. Long study sessions are not as effective as short bursts. In long sessions
we are prone to distraction, and we are also prone to focusing on time rather than repetitions. However, if we will train ourselves to learn like a top athlete trains (in smaller, high intensity chunks) we will be very happy with the results that we get.

Turbo Charged Reading: Read more>>>Read fast>>>Remember more>>>Years later
Contact M’reen at:

You can TCR software and engineering manuals for spontaneously recall – or pass that exam.
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube  
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube

Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:   gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life   development, growth, management.        just for fun.
To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Learn POLITE expressions in English – Don't be RUDE!

Does your coworker have "a bun in the oven"? Has your boss "let himself go"?
In this lesson, you will learn some expressions that people often use to say things indirectly
in order to sound more polite or less rude. What can you do to avoid using words like "toilet", "dead", or "fat"? Watch this video to learn some interesting alternatives to these words
and more. After watching, do the quiz to check if you have understood the material:


Hi again. Welcome back to I'm Adam. Today's lesson is a little bit interesting.
I'll give you a little bit of a background first of all. English speakers, and this is a very cultural
part of English... And remember, culture plays a lot... Has a big role when it comes to language.
A lot of speakers, in English, don't want to say certain words. For some reason, they think
this word is dirty or heavy, or they just don't like this word, so we find soft expressions.
We find other ways to say the same thing that everybody understands, everybody from
the culture understands. It may be a little bit difficult for non-native English speakers
to understand these expressions, so today we're going to look at a few.
There are many, many such expressions. We're just going to look at a few for today.

Firstly, these soft expressions are also called euphemisms. You don't need to know this word.
If you want to look up more expressions, type: "euphemisms" into your search box
on the internet, and you'll see many more.
I'm just going to give you a few to give you an example of what a euphemism is.
And when you watch Hollywood movies or TV shows, if you hear these expressions,
now hopefully, you will understand what they mean.

So we're going to start with: "passed away" which is very common. I think many of you
probably know this expression. Or: "did not make it". So if you go to the hospital, your friend was in    a car accident, and you bring him to the hospital or the ambulance brings him to the hospital,
and he's in there for a while, and then you see the doctor. And you go to the doctor:

"How's my friend?" And the doctor says: "Oh, I'm sorry. He didn't make it." What does that mean? Or: "I'm sorry. He passed away." What does that mean? It means he died.
Now, why people don't like to say the word "died", well, it's a very heavy word. Death,
people don't like to talk about death, so they find other ways to say the same thing. Okay?
Now, all of these are not bad things, but you know, we just want to soften the language.
We want to be a bit more polite sometimes.
If you want, if you're in the washroom (M’reen: Toilet/bathroom) and you want... Sorry, if you're in the restaurant and you want the washroom, but you don't want to say the word "washroom" or you don't want to say the word "toilet", you say... If you're a boy, you say, or a man, you say: "Where's the little boys' room?" If you're a woman: "Where's the ladies' room?"
Now, we understand all this to be toilet. But people think "toilet" is a dirty word.
They don't like to say the word "toilet", so they say: "Little boys' room", or: "Ladies' room". Okay?
Now, sometimes you'll see people in a wheelchair. Maybe they had an accident, maybe they were born this way, but they can't walk. They're in a wheelchair. Or you see people who have a...
Who were born with a disease, and they're not, you know, they're not fully functional
like everyone else. We used to say: "handicapped". But people find this word to be
a little bit offensive, and so it's not politically correct; it's not a nice thing to say. So now, we say: "They are mentally challenged." Or: "They are physically challenged." It used to be: "handicapped" or: "disabled". But people don't want to say "disabled" because they think or they know that these people are very able, they can do many things; they're just limited. Okay?
They are challenged by their condition.
So they are mentally challenged or they are physically challenged is a more polite way to say it.
Okay, so now, we're going to look at the next expressions. If you want to talk about a man
or a woman, and the not polite way to talk about them is to say: "He or she is fat", big.
So, people don't like the word "fat". So, for a more polite way or a softer way to say "fat"
for a woman is: "She is full-figured." Full-figured means she's complete. She's full in all the places, and that's what we say. A man, we're a little bit less nice to men. A man has "let himself go". Means he stopped taking care of himself, and became fat. Okay? Again, not a nice word,
but not necessarily a very nice expression either, but it's softer.
It's not as direct, but everybody understands what this means.

BBC Masterclass: Be polite - how to soften your English

Hi Sian here for BBC Learning English…
in this Masterclass we're going to look at something British people love doing! Being polite.
No, I'm not coming to your party this evening. Wow, this food is disgusting!

Give me some of your lunch. Now sometimes it’s ok to be direct – or even blunt
 with your friends…but it's important not to sound rude, particularly in the workplace.
We're going to look at 4 ways you can soften your language to make you more polite…

1: Requests, suggestions and questions.
OK, listen to these two requests. Which one sounds more polite and less direct, and why?
Number 1: ‘Pick me up on your way to the party this evening!’(M’reen: This is an order)
Or number 2: ‘I was hoping you could give me a lift to the party.’
Now, number 2 is much more polite. We soften requests, and suggestions and questions
by using past forms, continuous forms or both.
For example, ‘I was wondering if you could give me a lift later.’ 
We can also make requests softer by using a negative question with a question tag. So, ‘You couldn’t give me a lift later, could you?’ or ‘I don’t suppose you could pick me up tonight, could you?’

2: Giving opinions
OK, listen to these two opinions. Which do you think sounds less direct and more polite?
Number 1: You're too young to get married! (M’reen: This is a statement)
Or number 2: I reckon you're a little young to be getting married!
Yeah, the second one is much less direct. It’s softer. We use verbs like reckon, guess, feel to make your opinions less direct. You can also use vague expressions like ‘sort of’, ‘kind of’, ‘a little bit’.
 It also helps if you make it into a question: ‘Aren’t you kind of young to be getting married?’

3: Discussing problems
Ok now listen to these two problems. Which one sounds less direct?
The first one: ‘You've made a mistake in this report!’
Or the second one: ‘You seem to have made a mistake here.’
Yes, the second one was softer, less direct. We introduce problems with verbs like
seem and appear to soften them. So, ‘You appear to have saved over all my documents’. You can also use these to introduce your own problems. So, ‘I seem to have lost those reports you wanted’.

4: Saying no!
Now listen to these two ways of refusing an invitation. Which one sounds less direct?
Number 1? ‘No, I'm not coming to your party this evening.’
or number 2? ‘I’m not sure I'll be able to make it to your party this evening.’
Ok, again the second one was much softer, less direct. We find it really hard to say no!
So instead we use tentative language to soften it. So, ‘I’m not sure I’ll make it to your party.’
Or ‘It’s looking unlikely I’ll be able to come this evening.’ This basically means ‘I’m not coming!’

Now to find out more about avoiding being too direct, and to practise not being rude,
I was hoping you would check out our website See you soon, goodbye!

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