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Teacher Proof: magic beans,
magic bullets & magic potions
Joe Kirby
Why research in education
doesn’t always mean what it claims,
and what you can do about it
Or, why common sense isn’t
often common practice
Just about to review Tom
Bennett’s latest book Teacher Proof,
I read a review that
almost exactly articulates my viewpoint on it:
‘written by a teacher, for
teachers and in defence of teachers, Tom Bennett’s Teacher Proof
is an invigorating breath of
fresh air that deftly counter-attacks the onslaught
of dubious educational
“research” that bedevils our profession, and places pedagogical leadership back
into the hands of those who understand education best: the front-line classroom
teacher. Teacher Proof is a witty, defiant, thought-provoking and practical
As a result, it’s a book that
new teachers will likely never be assigned in teachers’ training programs, even
though every teacher ought to be compelled to read it…
a well-argued jeremiad that
effectively responds to the tsunami-like waves
of dubious innovation that
continually buffet the teaching profession.’
Couldn’t have put it better
myself. I’ve often found it worth paying attention to Tom’s ideas,
not least because of his
invigorating analogies. Formal observations are like ‘self-immolation’,
pseudo-science is ‘a rogue’s gallery’ and behaviour is ‘the elephant in the
no wonder they’ve called him
the ‘voice of teachers.’ His ideas resonate.
Tom chooses his metaphors
carefully, so it’s worth looking at those he uses for Teacher Proof:
‘I wanted to call hoax on the
educational cabals of orthodoxy … dogma built on quicksand …
more like magic beans than
magic bullets … a lot of these
dragons have been slain already…’
And so on to his arguments:
‘Anxious educators, under
pressure to improve results, reach for the magic beans and magic potions. Cue:
educational pseudo-science. Learning styles, thinking skills, multiple
intelligences, brain gym.
All promise to revolutionise
the classroom, even if the classroom doesn’t need to be revolutionised’
‘Not just some, but a lot of
what was accepted in education as absolute axiom, as adamantine dogma, was in
fact the result of what was, after very little exposure to analysis, very
‘In an attempt to make
education more scientific, we have made it less so.
And in an attempt to improve
it, we have degraded it…. Wishy-washy pseudo-science has infected the everyday
idiom of education discourse, so that even the language we use is based on.’
‘Where were the gatekeepers who
would defend the profession from hood?
Complicit in this
‘This is also a criticism of
what we have allowed the teaching profession to become.
The generation of teachers
working today (or trained in the last ten years) are barely taught
anything than the latest dogma
and cant. Newer teachers I talk to astounded by any presumption that these
paradigms might be questionable.’
‘Everyone still wants a magic
bullet; everyone still wants to hear the guy with the big idea,
wrapped up in modernity and
novelty. No one wants to hear the possibility that what works
in classrooms is often very
simple, very cheap, very boring and quite time-consuming.’
This chimes exactly with my
experience in teaching. Like Tom, by now I would have ‘thought
we’d have a good fix on what
good teaching involved and a resistance to accepting any old bull
that came along.’ But we don’t; instead, the
teaching profession is peculiarly susceptible
to fads, fashions and
unproved innovations.
Common Sense Strikes Back
So what do we do about it?
Dan Willingham neatly summarises the
third section of Teacher Proof:
Researchers need to take a
good long look in the mirror.
Media outlets need to be less
Teachers should appear to
comply with the latest lunacy,
but once the door closes
stick to the basics
And Willingham adds another
Schools of education should
raise their standards for what constitutes education research.
Bennett is right—too much of
it is second-rate.
As Willingham writes, it’s ‘a
timely read. Impatience with the influence that shoddy science
has had on teaching practice
is mounting.’
How about focusing on what we
know works? asks Teacher Proof:
Attendance and punctuality in
Behaviour and concentration
in lessons
Hard work
Regular feedback
Sound subject knowledge
A real, unrelenting focus on
this kind of common sense, without getting distracted by innovation
for its own sake, doesn’t yet
seem to be common practice.
Inoculating Ourselves Against
The Next Infection
At his
talk at the ResearchED conference in 2013, Tom asked some
provocative questions:
‘We are not out of the woods
yet. What is this year’s brain gym? What are we falling for right now? What if
X = brain gym?’
Professor Rob Coe suggested
at ResearchED that it might be graded observations;
I think he’s right, and
plan to respond to this idea on this blog soon.
Tom’s prescription for us as
teachers, in the hope that we become ‘immune to novelty and fashion
pedagogy’, is clear: ‘Be more scientific, be curious, be rigorous, be tough on
be tough on what people are
telling you … argue your case with schools that ask you
to do things without evidence:
teachers can be a lot more powerful than they suspect.’
He hints that he is toying
with writing another book about great education research.
Now that would be timely.
The Case for Optimism
ResearchEd taught me that teachers are now in the driving seat of the profession.
These talks may well become
the TED talks of the UK.
Also emerging from ResearchEd
were Laura McInerney’s promising touchpaper problems,
which next weekend a group of
teachers are meeting to discuss:
1,000 spellings
Productive Learning
Classroom Entry
Remembering Knowledge
I’ve also set out some
practical questions (within and across lessons) that I will be working
with my closest colleagues
over the next few years. What’s the best way of:
… assessing subject
… interleaving subject knowledge?
… recapping on prior
… explaining concepts?
… checking understanding?
… questioning pupils?
… modelling exemplars?
… coordinating pupil
… using feedback?
… setting homework?
… remembering content?
We plan to come up with ‘multiple
working hypotheses’ on each of these questions and others
that strike us as vital for
effective teaching practice.
And then of course there’s
ResearchED 2014, and the possibility of accompanying annual ebooks
or an open-access ResearchEd
magazine. The case for optimism in 2014 is strong.
Pedro says:
Ok, this is a new book for the reading list. Btw, I think that there are also other fads
Ok, this is a new book for the reading list. Btw, I think that there are also other fads
who have potential to
be the new Brain Gym.
missquinnmaths says:
Thanks for this, Joe;
I found the questions at the end particularly illuminating. I would perhaps add
something to the effect of “identifying how best to intervene” when a learning
hasn’t worked out
hasn’t been retained, despite careful and thoughtful planning.
The response
(somewhat naturally) tends to be “let’s try the same again, but with less time”
and feels like a
pretty good example of high cost/low impact.
rainsarefun - Rory says:
As you know, “teacher
proofing” is considered an anathema.
However, here’s a
Brainsarefun white paper that is a huge step in that direction
(I know, I’ve used it
hundreds of times): 5-5-5 SCRIPT
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo
Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
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To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more
things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”
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