Hedge mustard on canal steps. Gargrave.
EDEN chat Up close and personal
Steve Wheeler
I have written a lot about Personal Learning Environments in the
especially when they were emerging as a concept, and sounded quite
There were posts about the Anatomy of PLEs, their functionality,
their role as a counterpoint to the institutional Learning Management
and also their relationship to MOOCs
and Connectivism.
I attended the first ever Personal Learning Environments conference
in Barcelona,
about 5 years ago, and spent three glorious days in the sun,
learning with others about the merits and challenges of the PLE and how it
would 'revolutionise' learning.
We were all excited about the potential of PLEs, especially their
subversive nature
and their inherent informality. PLEs could be created by anyone,
using just about any tool
or technology, and we later expanded the idea to embrace other
elements such as real experiences and people (Personal Learning Networks).
Several peer reviewed journal articles (and a special issue in Interactive
Learning Environments) also appeared, and countless blog posts were published.
Fittingly, the history of the PLE was written through personal experience
and experimentation.
Looking back on all of this frenetic activity, we can now see that PLEs,
Looking back on all of this frenetic activity, we can now see that PLEs,
whatever they have evolved into, have become so much a part of the
fabric of everyday learning, that they have all but disappeared, at least in
terms of our perception of them.
People tend rarely to refer to them now. Personal devices and the
free and widespread access
to social media have amplified the concept of PLEs to the point that
they have become ubiquitous, and therefore run of the mill. What is your
experience of using PLEs in your own learning?
How can the concept be applied to wider issues in education?
The EDEN chat on May 20th explored these questions and many others,
The EDEN chat on May 20th explored these questions and many others,
and there was free ranging discussion which was challenging,
thought provoking and enlightening. The archive for this and all
other EDEN chats
can be found as Storified records on the EDEN NAP website.
Up close and personal by Steve Wheeler was written in Preston, England
Up close and personal by Steve Wheeler was written in Preston, England
and is licensed under a
Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
David Hopkins
Like you Steve, what I used to see as my PLE is now just my LE
(learning environment).
Yes, it's still personal, but I don't see it as anything more than
just what I do. I search, I blog,
I tweet, I share. This is me and what I do. Can the concept be
applied or adopted elsewhere?
Yes, of course, but it's less about the PLE (or formal acceptance of
the 'world' that is the PLE)
and more about using tools and techniques to 'include' and 'engage'?
Steve Wheeler
Tend to agree David. It's like driving a car or using a lift to me -
you don't think about it
unless there's a critical incident. My own use of technology for
learning has become an extension
of my abilities and thoughts - what David Jonassen calls mind tools
- and its a part of who I am
as a professional educator and learner.
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To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more
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The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”
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