My experience of memory and Turbo Charged Reading
Dangerous Days in the Roman Empire
By Terry Deary.
Written By M'reen
The Mind Map below of the first 6 pages would not be understandable
to anyone
who was not intimately familiar with the story in question. This is
because Mind Maps are
a personal shorthand designed to trigger a wealth of
detailed material from the innermind.
I went through all the TCR steps and poured the whole
book directly into my innermind
in a matter of minutes. Even though I had a clearly
defined purpose for reading the book
and had given my innermind instructions as to what it was
to do with the material
once it was in there - had I not taken the next steps then like un-watered seedling
those newly forming neurons
would have withered.
I have no earthly idea what the rest of the book is about
but I can now write about those six pages without reference to the book as I
took my reading memory to the next level and produced
this Mind Map. When composing the Mind Map after TCR the
text I’d say that my recall
was around 95% of the content but with no memory of the names.
Was that the end? No!
I could be happy with that level of recall
or take it to
the next level and use memory techniques to add the names.
This Mind Map would have been sufficient for me if it had
been described thus:
Converted Christian. Vibia Perpetua and her slave Felictas
and 2 others.
Roman Emperor Septimus Servius AD 203
thought of
himself as god and required the burning of incense as proof.
Husband. Distanced himself by abandoning her and
their child.
Father, wealthy North African begged her to
renounce her Christianity.
Roman Governor. Hilarianus, may have had
an arena seating 50,000
The crowd. Wanted them whipped – martyrs happy as
Jesus was whipped.
Pagan goddess. Ceres. Vibia Perpetua fought so hard
against being dressed as a pagan
that they gave up
and like the Wicker Man she started singing a psalm.
The Christians said, “you may judge us, but God
will judge you and this city.”
Roman Governor. Hilarianus, had them
stripped naked
but the crowd
were horrified so they were given tunics.
He let loose a mad cow which tossed Vibia Perpetua
who, confused, pulled down her ripped tunic,
asked for a pin to tidy her hair and asked when they were going to be
After the second toss she was dying and was dragged to
the killing corner (of the round arena)
where the gladiators cut the throats of victims to ensure
their death.
The crowd. Had not had sufficient sport so
insisted she be brought to the centre to be killed.
The gladiator bungled the job stabbing her in the
Myth? Vibia Perpetua guided the knife to her own throat.
The level in black forms a general overview of the story, the points of a Mind Map.
The next level is to learn the names of the protagonists.
The next level is to absorb the barbarism of other
cultures both ancient and modern.
The final level is to understand and retain the modern medical
of her progress in the arena to her death.This level finally covers the entire 6 pages.
Memory strategies:
Vibia Perpetua. I divided this into syllables Vib/i/a Per/pet/u/a (each
syllable has a vowel)
I repeated these with rhythm
(aural learning) and by slapping my hand on my thigh (kinaesthetic learning) however
this was not having much effect so I employed visual learning. Unfortunately
this is going to have to be explained in the long promised article
on learning
how to spell in any language or to learn formulae.
Septimus Servius. Professor Servius Snape succeeds
by division.
A septum is a
wall that divides e.g. one nostril from the other.
The nose being
needed to smell the incense.
Here is an example of ‘linking’
an unknown thought with a known thought
and the more amusing the link
then the easier it is to remember particularly
if it includes visual, kinaesthetic
and aural (of the ear) references.
Hilarianus. Need you ask?
This leaves alliteration:
Felictas; who probably did not offer felicitation
for her fate.
Or Ceres who probably couldn’t have cared
5. The mad cow has eyelashes to denote female, ferocious teeth, 2 horns for 2 tosses
and 4 blobs on her ear rings to remind me that there were 4 Christians.
As described in a previous blog when I mentioned this
mind map, my mind started slotting in
the various points into their position on the paper, so
for me position is an important point,
whereas for someone else it may be e.g. colour.
You may also notice that when describing this in list
people and events are described chronologically and in an importance order.
For example Vibia Perpetua is in the written title position
not the Mind Map central position.
The Emperor comes at the important 1st left
position where I’ve put her husband and then her father.
As pointed out elsewhere you will probably feel more
comfortable with one presentation
and having satisfied that level of understanding and/or
might want to go onto the next level for which you might use
a different format.
You might re-write the whole story in your own style or
as a rap, a song, a poem or a play?
In any of these ways you make the material your own
and not the author who now becomes a source rather than the
In deciding how many levels you want or need, you are
taking control of your time
but having TCR the information and taking it to your
desired level the rest is in your innermind
for future use and also you have catalogued that book
cover for your personal Dewy system.
Turbo Charged Reading: Read
fast>>>Remember all>>>Years later
You can TCR music,
poetry or self development material for internal
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
Emotions when
Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
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