Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Setting up your physical area for Turbo Charged Reading

Written By M'reen
Setting up your physical area for Turbo Charged Reading
is, of course, easy and probably can be done more efficiently and with greater productivity
than you are currently experiencing.
Once you have established a routine then you will decide if this is the pattern you want to follow
at this time or if curling up on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate is preferable.
The purpose is to give you all the advantages that lead to your ease of success.
You will see that I have spent a lot of time on the beneficial art of sitting and rising from your chair
and with your posture when reading a great many books at ‘one sitting’.
Good study habits are not a part of this particular article; just how to TCR one or many books.
You will need a table for your book, paper and pens and a timer.
For your first session you’ll also need a soft pencil, an eraser and a toothpick or something similar and this is for you to time reading for two minutes at your normal rate (that is understanding what 
you have read) and then entering the focussed learning state and reading for a further two minutes.
After each two minute period you turn the book upside down and with the toothpick count
the number of words you have read. I expect you to be surprised at how many more words
you have read while in this initial focussed state.
The pen and paper is for you to write your purpose, your mind instructions, your closing instructions and also for your mind maps.
The timer is to remind you that after each half hour of study or sitting down work you need
to leap up and refresh and oxygenate your body and brain and in doing so will find that you can maintain your level of concentration and work quality throughout your day.
The table has on it a pile of books secured with an elastic band and this is used as a book rest
to give the book you are reading an angle of around 45 degrees for ease of turning pages.
Unless using the pillow technique described in the second video when reading many books
or even one, you will find it easier on your neck and shoulders if you rest your elbows on the table.

The number of videos indicated how much respect I have for The Alexander Technique
and the value of sitting and rising from your chair or toilet in a way that supports your body
both now and for later years. I am as guilty as many people of ‘not doing’
so I’ve written out how I was taught to sit and rise from a chair.
Back up to the chair so that your calves are touching the edge.
Bring your knees and shoulders forward and this will take you down to the seat.
Sit on the two sticky out bones at the front of your pelvic girdle with your feet flat on the floor.
So you are not sitting on your tail bone and your spine is not curved back and down.
In fact as you rest on those two bones you bring your spine back with your shoulders over your hips and imagine that a puppeteer pulls a string from your top knot straightening out your spine, neck 
and head and you will probably experience your chin lifting.
To rise from a chair, shuffle to the front of the seat and put your feet back under the chair so that 
you are resting on your toes. Lean back and then forward tipping your shoulders and head 
over your knees allowing the momentum to raise your bum of the chair and for you to gracefully uncurl and then imagine that puppeteer pulling you into that lovely restful posture.

Alexander Technique Squatting and Sitting
The purpose of this video first and foremost is how to sit and squat, (safely, easily and mindfully) from standing to sitting and into a full squat. This movement is a position of mechanical advantage, in other words the body is used in accordance with its design, the muscles, bone joints are used in a more balanced and integrated way, giving structural support, balance and integrity. Also giving the torso maximum length and release and avoiding stress and compression of the torso. 5.29 minutes
How To Sit In A Chair Without Pain - Learn Alexander Technique!
Luke Ford talks about the best types of chairs and best approaches to sitting in a chair.
And the worst ways to sit in a chair.Sitting on an ‘office swivel chair’ reading books, get up and move every ½ hr  3.46 minutes
Sitting Comfortably Erect
How to sit comfortably without pain. Learn how to sit at the computer, at a desk, table, in a car without slumping or stiffening using natural good posture. Learn what positions cause stiffness and pain and how to release and relax with effortless upright energy. 
As a result of this video I raised my desktop monitor so that my eyes are about 1/3 down this page and not the top of the plastic surround. This was my decision and not a recommendation.
Alexander Technique with Marjorie Barstow - Sitting
Here Marjorie works with a student, showing her how to sit without scrunching her body, She was in her 90s and suffering from osteoporosis.  2.16 minutes
Alexander Technique with Marjorie Barstow - Writing
Marjorie was in her 90s and suffering from osteoporosis.
The man kept commenting on how he was able to breath.  3.45 minutes
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?
Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life               which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.         just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

10 TCR scenarios, can you find yourself?

Turbo Charge Read this month's new codes, laws and updates by isolating them from the pages of surrounding information that has not changed. 

Make commuting time valuable as you research
your country, company or meting destination.

TCR all the books in your area and create a new recipe, beer or product for personal pleasure or business venture.

TCR all you can find the night before and be pleased with the spontaneous questions and answers available to you.

Do you really read that slowly?
Then stop reading each word
along each line on individual pages.
Take in  the whole 2 news-pages at once.

E-mails? Let the waffle bypass you as you zero in on the relevant information, letting you to get on with productive work.

TCRead in the areas of health, self development and growth enabling you to live those improvements with time to enjoy more.

Increase your vocabulary range and 
comprehension gaining the confidence to use your ability naturally.

From reading comprehension, gain the success you want and need throughout your education and business life; leaving you with time for fun.

When TCR you engage with the book and laugh out loud, argue with the author and extend your thoughts. 
Give you magnificent mind credit for its 7 +/- capability.

I can relate to most of these, Can you? M'reen
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?
Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life               which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.         just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Mind Instructions.

Mind InstructionsWritten By M'reen

Once you’ve become familiar with the following procedures then in exactly the same way as you get into your car and drive away or do any other daily activities without thinking of their individual steps then you’ll follow all these detailed steps as easily as you currently slowly each word read a book or email.
Previously we’ve seen how to: (1st leaf)  Choose your Area of Reading and how to (2nd leaf) Choose an Appropriate Book followed by how to(3rd leaf) Prepare the Spine of the Book (and 4th leaf) How to Turn its Pages on the first branch of the first Mind Tree.
Written like that it sounds such an imposing set of instructions; but having experienced this you realise that it’s just natural common sense approach and that we very rarely write out the obvious.
However it is in the practice of the detail that separates the professional from the gifted amateur.
This brings us almost to the end of the first of the three branches of the Set Up Mind Tree
with the other two branches being Prepare your physical area and Prepare your body.

We are now looking at the 5th to 7th leaves on the Books branch of your Mind tree
and really these will take less than two minutes of your time.
These leaves are: (5th leaf) Write your purpose, create your (6th leaf) Mind Instructions
and your (7th leaf) Closing Mind Order
I discussed the essential value of Purpose in all areas of life in the course.
With these reasons is in mind you write down your purpose for reading this material
After this you give your mind instructions as to what it is to do while you are taking the written word directly from the page or electronic devise into your innermind by bypassing your eyes
and conscious awareness when turning the pages of your book as previously described.
You then give your innermind its Closing Orders so that it knows what to do with
this new material in order to satisfy your stated purpose.

As you are at the learning stage of Turbo Charged Reading your first level purpose is to:
Purpose: Learn the different stages of TCR
                 and to name and order the ten Royal Houses of England and the UK
                 with Oliver Cromwell and Lady Jane Grey.
Do you actually believe that you can do this?
If not then this point needs working on in ways that are suitable to you
and this is the principal advantage of Turbo Charged Reading
as without your acceptable life belief then you are just reading quickly and learning slowly if at all.
When you have established this initial purpose you say it out loud
as this forms a firm contact with yourself

Mind Instructions when turning your pages or accessing the next screen.
You are probably aware that your mind can deal with 7 +/- 2 bits of information simultaneously
so even though you are in the focussed learning state when you are turning the pages of your book
your mind can and will think of quite disparate things.
The purpose written above is almost an essay in itself and when you are turning the pages of your book it is helpful to keep your mind on target as to its purpose and also it helps to keep the rest
of your magnificent multitasking mind from wandering too far.
When turning the pages I repeat a shortened version of my purpose.
Repeating it out loud as opposed to silently engages more of my mind.
Therefore I’d give my mind the repeated instructions of: Re-mem-ber 10 + 2. UK rules
If you can generate a rhythm it is helpful when turning the pages as this really isn’t a race.

After Turbo Charged Reading the material by completing all the preparations steps
and actively turning the pages so allowing all that information directly into your innermind.
The next stage in is to skim through the material or pre-chosen section of your book
to find specific targeted questions for your innermind to find the answers that satisfy
your stated purpose at this stage.
Note; I am not expecting to remember 40 rulers, Oliver Cromwell and Lady Jane Grey in order
or their dates or any other information at this stage / level of my journey through this information.

Prior to becoming a Turbo Charged Reader learning such a list would be excessively difficult
in fact I can’t remember ever having done so as I used to vie with Maxine to be bottom
with our weekly Latin spelling list though I shall, eventually, share ways of learning how to spell.
You innermind is naturally programmed to find answers from our earliest days as man.
As there are ten Royal Houses I think I’ll instruct my innermind to remember the code:
Naply and Tshsw and which Houses those letters represent.
My gosh, even though I’m a Brit I’ve never heard the name of some of those houses before
and those codes break the whole thing down to a ‘doable’ memory,
an enjoyable task as opposed to a frightening none possibility.

Now I get out of the way and give my developing neurons time
to form the necessary pathways to my successful recall and memory of this first layer of facts.
After which I may go in for a second layer of information until I have the level of detail I want
from this material from repeating the list as my party piece to Master Mind level of detail.

Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?
Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life               which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.         just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Time is more Valuable than Money

The idea of ‘Time is more valuable than money’ is taken from the business section.
Written By M'reen

This is not always the case when reading as to read any sort of book in ‘slow’ or ‘fast’ mode
may be appropriate for you at this time but not for a that time or that situation.
Even reading material that you know you will forget (that is ‘slow’ read if you are a ‘forget’ person)
is a choice that I‘m sometimes happy to make.

However, when you think of the £/$ amount of books you have read and forgotten,
when you think of the number of trees on your bookshelves that cannot be used in a conversation, cannot be used to further your thought evolution or cannot actively be used
in your daily professional life then Time Definitely Is Money and all that Infers.

The upfront cost of Turbo Charged Reading is, in fact, very small,
the time spent learning how to Turbo Charge Read is, again, very short.
However the time to deal with the gremlins of habit and procrastination etc. while being short
and an effortless part of the Turbo Charged Reading programme; is a different situation.
This is often a case of the ‘you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink’ syndrome.

The carrot, the potential, the evidence of others, the evidence of your own experience
of the value and potential of Turbo Charged Reading can rather be like the gym equipment
that lies unopened or unused even though you agree its use is of benefit or even essential for you.

In order to circumvent these natural human states
different forms of gremlin busting form part of the programme
and all stages of the programme are carefully and professionally designed for natural success.
The second programme level includes email, telephone or a skype type feedback session
after each level.
Then there is belonging to the community of successful Turbo Charged Readers
and offering your success story that will encourage the student of any age
and level and subject area and also the parent or teacher encouraging that learning.
In fact sometimes it is the Turbo Charged Reading child who encourages the parent or grandparent.
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?
Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life               which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.         just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Monday, 14 April 2014

The last page first.

Are these ornaments or part of your internal memory? M'reen

The last page first. An upside down blog!
Written By M'reen

Why are these bonuses that deal with any problems you may experience offered?
Problems such as: Confidence, Procrastination, Habit, Over Expectation, Stress.

Purely because I want you to succeed as a TCR.
I don’t want you to buy a package and leave it unopened.
I don’t want you to invest a small number of hours learning how to TCR
and then leave it as a good idea and revert to your slow reading habit zone.
I do want TCR to be your natural choice of reading except for those times
when slow reading is the more enjoyable choice for some reason.
The TCR is not the problem; learning to become a TCR is not a problem
the problem is habit, your comfort zone.
Even though you logically know that to TCR is the most efficient way of progress for you,
very often we find the Devil-we-know to be the easier option
and while we are taking that option we are quietly berating ourselves for doing so.

This last bonus MP3(+) is of incalculable value for a couple of reasons.
Firstly some people become dependent on CDs or MP3s in order
to enter the focussed learning state. This MP3(+) is specifically designed to give you
the confidence and experience of entering the focussed learning state all by yourself.
Secondly it is only five minutes in length and it is a skill you carry around with you
for whenever you have five minutes to yourself. I used this daily for around 3 months
just dumping unspecified stress until one day there was nothing left!
No no-one is stress free, that just doesn’t happen, so I started working on people
and events that popped into my mind and found that on my second to forth session that
there was nothing left. What I didn’t realise was as I was working on one person that I was also shaving off some stress surrounding another person.
The result was that the prickles on my personality fell off and one person told me that she understood exactly what I was trying to express. You won’t feel a eureka moment as this is
very gentle, just like your hair growing, even if you haven’t got any hairJ

Why is page two being presented with the last points first?
Because when I TCR a book the first time I TCR it upside down and back to front
so that interesting words don’t leap out at me and attract my attention
– they are to do that in the final stages of TCR.

MP3(+)  A focussed learning state period covering the Written 1 section
as TCR via the ears as opposed to the eyes. (16 mins)
This is basically a direct copy of the written material and like TCR will allow the material
to go directly into your innermind. However if you just leave it there it will form
part of your general awareness which is not the current point.
So as soon as possible access that information by making notes of what you remember
and surprise yourself as to what you do recall and the increase in recall each time
you use this MP3(+)

MP3(+)  A very valuable focussed learning state period dealing with Stress,
Gremlins, Confidence and TCR. (26 mins. Keep and use lots)
This powerful session is often a person’s first experience with working in the trance state;
that is a state of relaxed conscious awareness, where the person agrees just to sit,
close their eyes and see what may happen for them.
Therefore people of certain religious beliefs or people who are epileptic will choose 
to not use these MP3(+)s. This will not affect their ability to TCR but they might find that the gremlins between their ears prevent them from actively employing TCR in their daily
professional and personal lives.
This bonus session with an extra bit in the middle is often all a client needs to resolve the issue that brought them to me in the first place.

MP3 (Notes) Preparation this time only (7 mins)
This MP3 is only offered once and gives answers to a few very basic but important questions.
You will notice that my lines are not smartly justified nor do my words fill the available space.
This is because; shorter lines are easier to read and keeping one thought on one line is easier to read.

MP3(Notes)  Written 1 for when you are driving (11 mins)
This generally will be a copy of the written material, but as a direct copy is not necessary
it may extend or re-word here and there.
Please listen to this at least once but as it is only 11 minutes long and your journey is likely
to be longer then please listen to it multiple times as this is to your learning,
experience and confidence benefit.

Written piece 1
Should you print out this piece, please do not printout, ‘Kaa, The Jungle Book snake’, as to do so
will take away the learning advantage of this additional piece of work.
I include how long it takes me to slow read with comprehension these pieces in order to encourage you to read them yourselves.
I recognise that those of you who have problems reading may find this to be difficult, but even so
I’d like you to read as far as you are able as this IS part of the process of enabling you not only to be an excellent and efficient TCR but also to be able to better enjoy slow reading when you choose to do so. Even though this piece is recorded directly onto an MP3(notes) and MP3(+) it IS a necessary part of the learning process for you to spend a few minutes slow reading the written material.

Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?
Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life               which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.         just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Turbo Charged Reading Success Level 1

Written By M'reen
 The first package you can expect to receive when you join the TCR programme.
 You may choose to work independently or opt for support sessions after each package.
 Or arrange something more suitable for your group or business no matter how large.

  Written information 1: What is TCR? 
                                     Who will benefit from TCR?
                                     The Next Level Covers:
(Total: 3 mins to slow read)

  Written information 2:   Kaa,  Jungle Book’s snake. (3 mins to slow )

  MP3 (Notes)  Covering Each Written Section 
                        for when you are driving etc.
             Many people find reading difficult or they do not have the time to read, these MP3 enables them
             to absorb the information in a format that is more convenient and accessible.

  MP3(+)  A very valuable focussed learning state period 
                dealing with Stress, Gremlins, Confidence and TCR. 
                    (24 mins. Keep and use lots)

  MP3(+) A focussed learning state period covering the Written 1
               section as TCR via the ears as opposed to the eyes.

               (16 mins) This will enable you to experience focussed learning via your ears,
                    so the written information 1 is repeated by an MP3 for you to listen to while walking
                    and repeated again while you are in the focussed learning state.

  MP3(+)  A focussed learning state period enabling you
                to enter the focussed learning state independently.
(5 mins)
                    Some people become dependent upon CDs and MP3s in order to enter the
                    focussed learning state which is an entirely natural and daily state of being
                   - it just has a fancy name.

  Youtube  to close this first success lesson level 

Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?
Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life               which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.         just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Friday, 11 April 2014

Time is money.

 Time  is  money. M'reen

As a child did you use a dandelion clock to tell the time – and blew time away?
Did you play the exciting game of ‘What Time is it Mr. Wolf’
with the losing child being gobbled up at Mr. Wolf’s dinner time?

I didn’t have a conversation about childhood games yesterday, but I did ask these questions?

How much do you charge out per hour?

How many hours do you spend reading professional materials?

How much time does your staff spend reading emails and so not creating income?

He looked, he swallowed; he didn’t answer as he was unaware of a solution.
He told me that his wife read much faster than he did which was annoying.

I told him of the advantages of Turbo Charged Reading
Not only to his professional life
But also to his private reading
and it is during this ‘down’ time that the most creative thoughts may occur
when batteries are recharged and all that implies.

He is now an advanced launch Turbo Charged Reading student.
Written By M'reen

Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?
Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life               which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.         just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Stress that upsets me and what I can offer.

He is called Cuddles and I have some amusing stories 
as to how he helps when I have my therapist hat on. M'reen

A sentence taken from 'Michelle Rhee still doesn’t get it'.
“Some kindergarten students now don’t have time for recess because they are learning reading
and math — that gives short shrift to subjects including science, history and the arts”.
An attitude that has disturbed me for decades and it would take me pages to describe to you why;
based on my teacher training of the 1970s and the Nursery School I created in the 1980s etc.

What has this to do with Turbo Charged Reading you might legitimately ask? Written by M'reen
A lot, as Turbo Charged Reading can offer freedom, an escape.

I recently met a professional person who is charged out in 6 minute blocks.
Those 6 minute blocks include going-to-the-toilet-time!
He was so anxious regarding a failed appointment that he had no influence over
that he was present with nothing but the consequences when he returned to his cage.

For the child who has learned to read and can read with comprehension.

Anything that is written down on papers or electronic media can be Turbo Charged Read
this means facts, figures, diagrams, formulae, language spelling lists, actually everything.
a) The year’s work can be Turbo Charged Read a few times at the beginning of the year
b) and re-TCR each term as review and preview or c) sections can be TCR before each lesson.

B} You might ask, ‘if after TCR the material is firmly in my innermind and I’ve the mind maps
for swotting purposes why should I re-TCR all the material for reviewing purposes’?
I would answer that you are perfectly correct from the point of view of a reading, retaining
and recalling point of view. However I have learned as a Counselling student and have experienced
as a reading tutor of a nine year old that to ‘know’ that you ‘know’ gives an immense confidence boost and validation to the work previously undertaken.
A,C} When TCR a course’s written work in advance then that information is in your innermind
and your little neurons have created new pathways establishing that information
sections of which is re-visited before each lesson and built upon within each lesson 
not as strange incomprehensible material but as a building up of understanding.
For example, you cannot understand the diagrams and formulae etc from simply TCR them
but when they come to be  taught, then their form is not unfamiliar as the building blocks
are there and just need to become familiar in you innermind with the tutorial.

What does this all mean to a child who is being processed in nursery school
or is being regimented in ‘big’ school?

I would argue that being able to TCR enables the Freedom To Be A Child.
Get the school work done; get the extracurricular activities done; activities that may be
of interest only to the child because no-one knows the child’s inner heart 
and the child ‘enjoys’ what is expected and valued.
After which the child will have time to enjoy what is naturally enjoyed, have time to dream
with clouds – an often undervalued occupation. Also the parents and teachers will have a more successful relationship with the child, their own aspirations and any obligations they feel.

For the adult who is stuck in an occupation that is not of benefit to them as a person
a change of direction, a new career an unexpected opportunity or responsibility.
My gosh is there enough time to add: a hobby, interest and all those areas that enable one
to become a more satisfied and complete person?
TCR a new career while maintaining your old one and supporting your lifestyle.
TCR your subject area for your interview or newly appointed responsibilities.
TCR the legal changes in your profession or the monthly updates for your products.
TCR your subject area in order to give an expert presentation or invent a new recipe
        described as tasty or successful or envision a new play > sport or thespian .
TCR just for the fun of it.

Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Advanced Reading Skills Perhaps you’d like to join my FaceBook group ?
Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life               which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.         just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Purpose for choosing a book to turning pages

        Your purpose for choosing a book. Written By M'reen
      Choosing an appropriate book is a lot simpler than choosing a dress.
      Broken spines are a thing of the past for book lovers.
      How to turn pages efficiently.
      Photos by M’reen

Your purpose for choosing a book.

Your broad purpose may be to ‘help save the bee population’ and this causes you to choose a book about bees. The purpose for a particular book may be practical and achievable such as ‘to understand the behaviour of bees’. Subsequent books, or within this book, you may find other relevant purposes. Therefore one book may have different purposes as you may want increasing levels of usable knowledge from the book ranging from a general over view to detailed knowledge and these different levels require another ‘charge through the book’ at the access (into your conscious mind) stage of Turbo Charged Reading. These levels of knowledge (how much you want from this material) depend on whether your interest is that of a curious observer to that of a global expert on bees.

Choosing an appropriate book is a lot simpler than choosing a dress.

When choosing a dress you need to follow a number of rules of colour and shape that apply specifically to you – until you dye your hair something really spectacular. 
Like a lot of things in life you start with the big picture and slowly work your way towards the specific.
When you combine the specifics you become like a ballerina performing with style and fluid ease.
I want to make a million pounds and someone else has already nabbed the idea of selling 1 pixel for $1 and I haven’t dreamed up a Harry Potter or realised that a dirty unmade bed is worth a fortune. Gosh, am I challenged or what?!? Business, now that’s the way to go.
What am I good at? Do I sell a lot for a little or a little for a lot? And how? Etc.
Off to the internet or book shop I go as opposed to some other option – my first active choice.
But why? What is my purpose in making this particular choice?
If I don’t know my purpose then I don’t know what’s my next best step; I’m playing lucky dip.  
I arrive at the Business section and find The Attila the Hun approach to business (a good book and that is all I remember!), NLP (concerning everything known to man), How to Interview Skills etc and even more etc. Baffled I go to the section I feel most comfortable with; as the next step in anything 
in life is based on confidence in where you are now. Therefore I’ll start with general business skills
as opposed to specific skills and thus my selection has narrowed as I’ve actively taken the next step, however it would be far more useful if I brought that intuition into my conscious awareness.
Looking at, say, 10 books and realising that (at this time) I may only read one I intuitively choose 
a book. Of all your innate skills your intuition is the one to trust and Turbo Charged Reading 
will actually help in this area – but not now – as there are more pressing concerns.
Taking the book Business and the Beautiful Game; 
I know that at least I’ll understand the terminology and that is a good first step.
I read the front cover – it says what’s in the can. The back cover; Oh my goodness,
it’s endorsed by some heavy hitters I recognise and it promises to be at the level I need.
Next I look at the Table of Contents and find they are written in language that is accessible 
to my understanding and covers areas that I really think will be of value to me. 
(I couldn’t help but sneak a peep at the authors and found that these are people I want to converse with– not a curious phrase to an Turbo Charged Reader)
Finally I flick through to see how the book is laid out and find that it has understandable chapter headings with lots of bold sub headings within the chapters, and an end of chapter summary described as ‘Tactics’.
I’m buying.
Oh and it’s not that expensive and at 143 pages it’s an easy slow read, maybe, sometime, eventually.
However after a half hour investment of time an experienced Turbo Charged Reader could 
probably quote the book chapter and verse.

Broken spines are a thing of the past for book lovers.

From the state of my books you can see I really wish that I knew this little trick years ago.
Whenever you find a book that doesn’t lie flat when open then you ‘prepare the spine’
for a lifetime of reading enjoyment; it also makes turning pages when Turbo Charged Reading easier.
Simply open your book in the middle and bend the pages right back then bend the quarters right back before you take every 10-20 pages and rub your finger or thumb tips up and down the crease until the book lies flat on the table.

 How to turn pages efficiently.

This is easier if the book wants its pages to be turned and that is one of the reasons for preparing
the spine.  However, I have to admit that some pages turn more easily than others so don’t feel frustrated or that you are not as proficient as others.
The reason for using a book rest is twofold; at first it makes the pages easier to turn and secondly
if you are reading a great many books in a day then with your elbows on the table it helps to prevent muscle stress in your neck and shoulders.
To turn pages: Being predominantly right handed, I slide my index or middle finger from the bottom 
of the central crease to the top right hand corner. My middle finger is followed by my thumb which hold down the page as the first crease of my middle finger catches over the top of the page and pulls 
it forward sliding the pad of my finger under the page to draw it forwards. 
My left hand fingers keep the pages open. It doesn’t matter if you turn over a couple of pages
in a clump but at first you will probably find that impossible to do no matter how much you believe
it isn’t necessary to view each page in order.    

Turbo Charged Reading: Read more>>>Read fast>>>Remember more>>>Years later
Contact M’reen at:

You can TCR music, poetry or self development material for internal knowing.
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube 
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube

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To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”