Tuesday 8 September 2015

Why Early Reading Is a Sign of Giftedness

Why Early Reading Is a Sign of Giftedness
Carol Bainbridge
- Gifted Children Expert

Reading is an essential skill for someone to master to be successful in school and in life.
It's no wonder, therefore, that so many parents work hard to ensure that their children learn to read as soon as possible. Some parents buy phonics DVDs, flash cards, and start teaching their kids
at home almost from the day they bring their newborn baby home from the hospital.
As a result of some of this early training, we see more and more children who seem to be able
to read, so many in fact, that many people are beginning to say that early reading
is no longer a sign that a child is gifted. But is that true?

1.  Cognitive Development
To understand why and how early reading is a sign of giftedness,
we want  to understand the cognitive development of children.
Most teachers have learned about Piaget's theory of this development,
which is why so many don't believe parents who say their children can do
more than other children of the same age.
For example, according to Piaget, children in the Concrete Operational Stage (ages 6-11),
can logically think about concrete things, things you can see or touch,
but still can't manage to think logically about abstract concepts, which include concepts like love, peace, and life. But parents of gifted kids know that their children may have been thinking logically about those issues even before they were 6. More »

2.  Language Development
The next step in understanding how early reading is a sign of giftedness
is to understand the way children learn language. Children do not need to be formally taught
how to speak.  Learning a language requires nothing more than exposure to language.
That just means that a child needs to hear people talk and have people talk to him.
That development follows a typical development,
and children around the world will follow a similar development. More »

3.  Gifted Children and Language Development
Most children follow a similar pattern of language development and pass through the same stages, but gifted kids may go through those stages more quickly than other children. Or they may seem to skip some stages, although it is more likely that they simply progress through the stages differently. For example, a gifted child might not speak until he is two years old,
but then speak in complete sentences.  It may look as though the child skipped over
the two word expressions, like "Me cookie," but they may simply have not expressed those ideas when their language development was at that stage.
More importantly, though, some gifted children progress through those stages more quickly, 
speaking in full sentences long before their age mates do. More »

4.  How Do Children Learn to Read?
Learning language, even at an advanced rate, is one thing, but learning to read is something
else altogether. Learning to speak is a natural skill, while learning to read is a skill
that must be taught. Not only does it have to be taught, but the brain must be sufficiently developed before a child can learn the skill. A child cannot learn to walk until his muscles
are sufficiently developed. We can support a child and help him learn to walk,
but until his muscles are strong enough, he isn't going to be able to do it on his own.
The same is true of reading. We can help a child memorize words,
but until his brain is sufficiently developed, he is not going to be able to read. More »

5.  The Role of Memory in Reading
The first thing people might think of when they think about memory and reading
is that children need to memorize the alphabet and memorize words.
That, however, is just the beginning of what children need to be able to do in order to learn
how to read. Learning the alphabet and the sounds letters represent is just the beginning.
Even memorizing words really isn't enough for a child to become a fluent reader.
A reader must be able to remember what he read at the beginning of a sentence
before reaching the end of a sentence, what he read at the beginning of a paragraph
before reaching the end and so on.
That requires a sufficient development of short-term and working memory. More »

6.  Self-Taught Reader
It should be clear unless a child's brain has matured sufficiently,
he won't be able to read fluently.  That requires much more than memorization.
It requires the ability to comprehend the meanings of the words, and the sentences,
and the paragraphs, and the whole story. Reading is a difficult skill to master
when it is being formally taught, and many children have a hard time reaching fluency 
when they are in third grade. If a child reaches fluency before age five
after having been taught to read, there's a good chance the child is advanced,
since his brain has to have reached a sufficient level of maturity.  But if a child has taught himself without any formal instruction, there really can't be any question about his giftedness

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To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”   

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